With myself working nights and Ashleigh working the days, I find I am sitting at home alone quite often. This afternoon I decided to pass the time by making a christmas tree to decorate our bedroom, as you can see above. It was made with a block of styrofoam and some random objects we had lying around.
I can't say I'm not a little proud of my creation, however this may be due to the amusement I gain from looking upon my very poor rendering of this christmas symbol.
As stated though, the timing of our shifts has left Ashleigh and I seeing less of each other than we would like. Hopefully things will change in the not too distant future.
I'm not sure if I mentioned, I am now working on the night crew in the equipment room, at one of the biggest photo studios in New York/The World. My job involves packing up or checking all of the equipment being used on the photo shoots, and preparing everything for the next day.
The Studio is called pier 59, a very interesting place. It's good for me as I can see how some of the top photographers set up their lighting and such. Great people to work with also.
I best go for now, I am off to meet Ashleigh after work. We are going to take photos of the christmas displays around the upper east side.
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